The Queen can be seen in the lower left corner of the picture. Unfortunately, there was some larvae already in this comb.
Once all the excess comb was scrapped off the feeder onto the top of the Brood Chamber frames, I carefully checked all of the comb looking for the Queen. I couldn't find the Queen so I kept an eye on the feeder and the Queen crawled out of the bottom of the feeder slot. I decided to use my bee brush and I gently brushed the Queen onto the top of the Brood Chamber and she quickly disappeared into the main frame system.
Once I knew the Queen was back where she should have been I gently placed the excess comb back in front of the entrance so that the bees could enter the hive. You can see them starting to crawl up the landing pad to the entrance.
You can see the bees lining up to get in the entrance. I came back after a couple of hours and most of the bees had gone back in the hive and the entrance set on the wider opening.
Will check again in 3 or 4 days.
These are absolutely fabulous. Seems you enjoyed a lot doing this type of photography. But I had a bad experience of coming across this type of consequence once in my life.